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Should I Stay or Should I Go

In English

The Clash were an English rock band formed in London in 1976 as a key player in the original wave of British punk rock. They also contributed to the post-punk and new wave movements that emerged in the wake of punk and employed elements of a variety of genres including reggae, dub, funk, ska, and rockabilly. Disillusioned with the album, Strummer took Clash to travel around England and Scotland, playing for free on street corners and bars.

Em Português

The Clash foi uma banda de rock inglesa formada em Londres em 1976 como um peça-chave na onda original do punk rock britânico. Eles também contribuíram para os movimentos pós-punk e new wave que surgiram na esteira do punk e empregaram elementos de uma variedade de gêneros, incluindo reggae, dub, funk, ska e rockabilly. Desiludido com o álbum, Strummer levou Clash para viajar pela Inglaterra e Escócia, tocando de graça em esquinas e bares. English exercises / Exercícios de inglês

About the author

Giulia Dircksen is an educator and English teacher at institutions including Easy Peasy Brazil. She currently studies pedagogy at Unisociesc Joinville assisting kids and teens development in Brazil. She has not only written this paragraph but also produced the exercises on the PDF.

You can know her work by visiting her social profiles:



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