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In English

The interesting movie “Amadeus” tells the story of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Set in 18th century Austria, contextualizes the time society, evidencing the disputes between court musicians. Even if most parts of the synopses tell about the biographic report, one looks more refined evidenced that the social habits reveal the beliefs and values of the time. In the specific history of Mozart, the exigence of the father and the court musicians too, the hard studies since childhood, and the disputes between peers, contributed to the constitution of the “genius”.

Em Português

O interessante filme “Amadeus” conta a história de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Situado na Áustria do século 18, contextualiza a sociedade do tempo, evidenciando as disputas entre músicos da corte. Ainda que a maior parte das sinopses fale sobre o relato biográfico, olha-se mais apurado constatado que os hábitos sociais revelam as crenças e valores da época. Na história específica de Mozart, as exigências do pai e também dos músicos da corte, os estudos árduos desde a infância e as disputas entre pares contribuíram para a constituição do “gênio”.

About the author

Elenir Morgenstern is an art and design professor at Univille (Universidade da Região de Joinville) in Brazil, producing content and didactic / instructional material. She wrote this paragraph as an exercise while studying English at Easy Peasy Brazil.

You can visit her blog and channel:


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