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When we're learning new grammar it's always very confusing and we think "oh, how boring, why do I need to learn all these rules?", after all, didn't I learn to speak before learning grammar rules? And the answer is YES, we learn how to speak before learning to organize our thoughts into words, in other words, in grammar, but it is no use just memorizing and reproducing the structures without understanding the reason behind them and paradoxically this is exactly what makes learning grammar something so much easier, after all, we want our learning easy peasy.

But don't worry, because we are going to give you a tip to uncomplicate it and even help you to formulate sentences on your own, getting out of the rote learning. Basically, we need to keep in mind two questions, and we will use the Present Simple as an example:

1st STRUCTURE: What is the structure of this verb?

2nd HOW and WHY must we use it that way?

Take a look at the box below:

Understanding how verbs work is extremely useful, as we could see above with Present Simple which we use to talk about ourselves, communicate our actions, our routine, schedules and formulate questions or speak in the negative. It is very important to practice: write down things that you do every day, plan for the week and the day, talk about your family members, colleagues, and their routines!

Let's practice?

Now let's take a practical look at this Job Description for Senior Software Engineer from JobHero website:

We were able to identify the structure of Present Simple: They (senior engineers) and Present Simple tense: oversee/create/check/work with frequency markers like typically/usually indicating "how" and "why", in this case describing routines of this profession.

If you are learning this verb tense now and found this post useful, please like it, follow us for more posts and forward it to your friends!

And I have a challenge for you: leave a comment with something you do every day using the structure and the how and why tip I gave you. Don't worry about making mistakes, mistakes are always constructive and we learn after solving them.

I go to college at 7:30 am and you?

See you at the next post.

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