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Project: Brazilian Candies

Here at Easy Peasy Brazil our students have practical and dynamic classes totally immersed in a new language so that they can create meaningful memories associated with their professions, personal interests and their own culture.

"Oh, but of course there's no way of learning languages without doing homework, right?" - WRONG!

That is a misconception: here our students' only homework is to bring the new language into their daily lives through interesting and thought-provoking music, movies, and reading.

And being immersed in a new language does not necessarily mean speaking that language all day long, but having memorable experiences in a new world of sounds and spelling characters, just as you learned your native language: a word is always associated with a set of elements. For example, when reading and hearing the word "chocolate" our brain activates all our memories linked to chocolate such as the shape, the smell, the taste, the little noise it makes when we chew it, where and with whom we last ate chocolate and some can even remember the first time they tasted chocolate, etc., and those memories are all originally in our native language so when trying to communicate them in a new language for the first time it is challenging and normal to have a hard time - the famous " freeze" - and the only solution is to update our memories by creating adaptations for other languages.

That's why Easy Peasy Brazil's online classes use mnemonic resources (visual and auditive) to work with culture and language in class in order to enrich the experience and strengthen the memories that are being updated.

That was teacher Carolina's proposal with the English project about Brazilian foods: the students chose typical Brazilian dishes to adapt to the English language, not only preparing a text with ingredients and recipes, but also recording everything on audio.

Practice your English by checking out Mariana Fernanda's delicious Paçoca cake recipe, Georgia's Canjica recipe, and Clara Aimée's tasty Palha Italiana step by step:

If you are curious about this or other projects, schedule your free trial class with us at Easy Peasy Brazil, because studying a new language sometimes is all about getting your hands dirty!

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